Flowserve Factory Witness Testing with Dallas Water Utilities

Flowserve Factory Witness Testing
with Dallas Water Utilities
Flowserve Facility - Taneytown, Maryland
Photo from left to right…  1. Kimberlie Brashear - DWU  2. Granger Smith - Smith Pump  3. Peter Stencel - DWU  4. Rickey White - DWU  5. Kyle Henson - Black and Veatch
    Dallas Water Utilities, Black and Veatch and Smith Pump Company traveled to Flowserve's Taneytown, Maryland facility to witness test eight (8) vertical turbine pumps. These pumps will go into service at the Eastside Water Treatment Plant being built by Oscar Renda Construction.

The pumps were tested with the job motors manufactured by TECO - Westinghouse in Taiwan. One of the eight (8) project variable frequency drives was also incorporated in the testing sequence. The VFD was made by Rockwell Automation in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
In the above picture you can see one of the vertical turbine pumps being tested. Performance testing went well and the equipment passed all requirements of the specifications.
Gettysburg Battlefield
    Testing finished a day early allowing for time to make a quick drive through the Gettysburg, PA battlefield park. Gettsyburg is a borough in South Pennsylvania, less than 30 minutes from the Flowserve Facility. 

The Battle of Gettsyburg went down in history as having the largest number of casualties of the entire Civil War and influenced President Lincoln to write the "Gettysburg Address".
TECO Westinghouse
Rockwell Automation

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